Job Search When You’€™ve Got One?

It’s hard enough to find a job these days. Try looking for one while you’re busy in your current position. 

Whether it’s to protect yourself from layoffs, up your salary or find more fulfilling work, staying ahead of the curve is never a bad thing.

Good news: conventional wisdom says it’s easier to get hired when you are already employed.

But follow the protocol, or you could do more harm than good!

Interviewing with a competitor or neglecting work commitments while you’re on the job hunt compromises your ethics, says Euris Belle, principal at Diversified Search.

“Never let your career derail to the point where you become obsessed with finding a new job,” she adds. Carve out blocks of personal time to research, or send letters and thank you cards.

Social networking can help you find a new job while you work during the day.

Be discreet – sudden LinkedIn profile updates after months (or years) of hibernation, raises alarm bells. Getting into the habit of regularly updating your online resume counters this – even if you aren’t looking for a job right now.

Dressing differently (i.e. wearing a suit at your business casual office) could also alert your boss you’re interviewing during the day.

Good luck, and be cautious!

Bonus PINK Link: Improve your job search by updating your resume.

Share your job search tips

By Felicia Edlin

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. ”
Nora Roberts

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