Turning It Around

Tripling sales revenue and increasing staff by over 50 percent in a company that nearly shut down, are just some of the results of Divya Keshav’s leadership of Krishna Printernational.

Her father started the New Delhi-based printing company 40 years before she came on board. Initially labeled as “bossy” by employees and finding a place in the male-dominated industry, Keshav didn’t have an easy ride.

(Click here to read her exclusive profile!)

Breaking barriers comes naturally to her – she is the first in her industry to hire female machine operators and offer two months paid maternity leave. Keshav, a member of Goldman Sachs’ 10,000 Women program, says nurturing client and employee relationships is essential to her leadership. 

The self-confessed Bollywood buff believes valuing people is the key to her achievements.

Little PINK Book: What’s your success secret?
Divya Keshav: I focus a lot on human capital. I listen to my employees and what they want. I believe in sharing my success with them.

LPB: What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken for your career?
DK: The biggest risk was changing from my job to my business. Initially I thought I would not be accepted, because there are only a handful of women in leadership positions in my industry, in north India. I was working for an online company that promotes small-scale businesses, to running my own business. I [questioned] if I would be able to move.

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By Caroline Cox

“We have to push our boundaries to reap the benefits.” Divya Keshav

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