Adding Minutes to Your Day

Some of the busiest career women are actually finding ways to expand time with proper management; a commodity in high demand for this demographic.

43 percent of Americans admit they’re disorganized, and nearly half say that causes them to work late at least two or three days a week, according to a recent survey.

Here are some tips to stop the clock:

At work, establish processes for new clients. Create templates for documents and checklists. Don’t be afraid to hire an assistant or intern and sometimes, it is more cost effective to hire an expert than trying to do it yourself.

During the day, screen calls. Let some go to voicemail. Only check e-mail once an hour. Designate when you are not to be bothered and look into software that can do the menial work for you, like updating contact info.

In your spare time, use aggregators like Huffington Post to read news (and celebrity gossip). Cluster errands with web applications like Mapquest or Google Maps – saving you time and money.

Bonus PINK Link: Check out 10 more ways to get it all done (and even throw in some “me” time)!

By Muriel Vega

“Ordinary people think merely of spending time. Great people think of using it.”
Author Unknown

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