Networking whether in person or online is critical for success in the 21st century. As you know it’s more about who knows you versus what you know. I wonder if women network differently than men and do people of color network differently than white people. It’s my hope that women are learning how to better support other women as they network. I also wonder whether networking among women has elements of competition and envy or have women surpassed the effects of internalized sexism? Internalized sexism often causes women to hurt, ridicule and or passively not support other women for fear they will get ahead at a faster pace. Unfortunately, I have seen this happen far too often. So, what is it about women who feel threatened by another strong, ambitious woman? That is the million dollar question!
My theory is that sometimes once women “arrive” in a high place (especially when they are the only or one of few) they fear another woman taking the spotlight. I also think some women may have low self-esteem and put great value on their “title or position” instead of what is in their heart and soul and therefore become very protective of this “place in life or business.” If this title or position is compromised it can be very threatening to a woman who identifies herself by material things and credentials.
Does race compound the situation more? Do black women have greater difficulty networking with and supporting other black women especially if they are the only or one of few at the top? Do Latina women have this problem? I realize these are general statements so there is plenty of room for discrepancy, however the main question is how can women learn to be more supportive of each other and a better question is how can women in power positions learn to support other powerful women. It’s important that we don’t shut other women out and that we learn to support women regardless of race. If we could learn to put our energy into building a collective (female) force, we could accomplish so much more individually and as a group.
1. When a woman is truly confident in her ability she really shouldn’t worry about another woman stealing her shine.
2. There are enough opportunities, clients and busiiness for all women.
3. Create and master your personal and professional niche. No one can do what you do like you do it.
4. Connect with other women who are like-minded, confident and genuinely sincere about helping you shine.
5. Don’t be afraid of connecting with and supporting another powerful woman, can you imagine the things the two of you could do with that much power and influence?
6. If you see or meet a woman who is passionate about her work, lend a hand, share your resources and help her make her dreams a reality. I guarantee what you give will come back to 100 fold.
7. Identify early on in a relationship who really is “for” you and “against” you. Only give your emotional energy to women who support the vision for your life.
The power of networking is priceless. When one woman is successful we all are. Make a concerted effort to support the women in your lives, networks and communities. Don’t be intimiated by a powerful woman, connect with her and glean from her wisdom and success!
I’d love to hear your comments on the issue!
By Catrice Jackson
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