Business Articles

The Secret to Success is Integrity

Why Are They So Successful?

If you ever wondered what makes successful people truly successful, it’s one simple thing… they have integrity. You don’t hear much about it, but this one, simple word has a lot of meaning behind it. So, instead of being jealous of someone’s accomplishments, take a moment to look at their true secret to success…

Do What You Say You’re Going To Do!

That’s it. Do this and you’ll be successful. I can end this blog now.

But, alas, how many people do you know who actually do this?

It may sound simple, but this is a huge secret to success personally and professionally because, unfortunately, integrity is becoming more and more rare. It’s just too easy to pursue all of the temptations out there, break promises and lie.

After all, there may be lots of money to be made, time to save and fun experiences and relationships to pursue.

Who’s going to know if you cut corners, avoid discussing important issues and do things “behind someone’s back”? You’ll be happy and no one will know about your shortcuts and shortcomings… or will they?

While those “little” lies may give you happiness and success now, this will be short lived… and they will catch up to you. At some point in the future, you’ll need to deal with the consequences which may involve paying high fees, dealing with lawsuits from unhappy customers or patients, and ruining your reputation…. forever.

Worst of all, your actions can really hurt the people you love, and you’ll have to deal with the shame and regret that comes with that later (and it will).

Now, doesn’t doing the right thing to begin with sound a lot better?

Tips for Success Via Integrity

So, what do successful people know that you don’t to do what they say they’re going to?

1. They Listen Carefully.

They put their clients, patients, customers, friends, and family members first. What are their needs and how can they help them most? After discussing important details, successful people figure out what they need to do and when to help make the goals of others a reality without being selfish. Then, they …

2. Tell Others How They Are Going To Help Them.

Once they know how they can help others, they tell them what they are going to do for them, how they are going to do it and when. Then, they follow through and keep communications open to discuss changes, issues and events that arise along the way. They make themselves available for discussion, and most important…

3. They Have Courage.

Successful people face challenges head on and avoid temptations whenever possible.

Sure, shortcuts, cheating, stealing, lying and many other seductions arise. It can be easier to do “the wrong thing” or not say anything at all rather than have open communications about the truth.

You may convince yourself that following a seduction is in your best interest, and for those around you, but think again.

It takes courage to say and do the right thing, and this can be very difficult at times. That’s why successful people are successful. They are brave and have the fortitude to push through challenges, admit their shortcomings, and mistakes and take the right actions whenever possible.

Go Out And Be Successful!

Integrity is the key to success, so instead of being jealous of someone who is successful, look at how they got to where they are today.

Work on listening to others and placing their needs first. Figure out how you can truly help others meet their goals and tell them how you’re going to do just that. Then, keep your promises and do what you say you’re going to do.

Be brave and courageous and try to avoid all of the seductions the world offers. If you make mistakes, fall victim to a temptation or run into problems, communicate your concerns and potential remedies as soon as possible.

Your clients, customers, patients, partners, friends, and family members will appreciate your integrity. More important, you’ll build a solid reputation, feel good about your choices and experience more success than you ever thought possible, personally and professionally.

Integrity… pass it on!

Author Melanie Rembrandt is an award-winning publicist, content strategist and speaker who helps overwhelmed entrepreneurs have more time to thrive! If you want to boost sales, awareness and credibility fast with a unique combination of targeted SEO copywriting and public relations, get more information at Rembrandt Communications®,


Melanie Rembrandt

Published by
Melanie Rembrandt

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