As a business, you may get caught up in the big marketing techniques that you think work the best. Lots of companies love to invest in TV time or billboards in city centers because they give off the perception they are the most effective. Although they work well, they are not necessarily the most effective when it comes to advertising. The humble pen is just one example of a seemingly insignificant technique that can mix it with the big boys. What, don’t you believe that a pen is a good promotional tool? Here are a few facts that should change your mind.
They Are Constant Source Of Advertising
Pens do not only work once. As long as there is ink in a pen, it can work for a very long time. The great thing about this is that it can constantly promote your business on a regular basis. The more someone uses the pen, the more they will see your brand. Even if they don’t make the link straight away, they will make the link subconsciously. The next time they need a service that you provide, you will be the business they call. And, it all stemmed from a personalized pen that you gave them for free.
Because People Use Them A Lot
Why are they a constant source of advertising? It is because there is a high demand for pens with the general public. Almost everyone works or goes to school, which means they need a writing device. Plus, pens are useful tools at home in case you need to write something down. The demand for pens will not cease anytime soon, and that is great for your business. Creative branding accessories like magnets, on the other hand, are neat. But, they don’t have the same usability as pens. Just think: how often do you use a magnet? The answer, most probably, is not very often. The answer would be different if you were talking about a pen.
They Are Cheap
The two things you are looking for from your promotional tools are effectiveness and cost effectiveness. In simple terms, you need them to work well, but you don’t want to pay a fortune for the privilege. On the whole, these are hard to come across because the people in charge understand supply and demand. So, they raise the price because the demand is high. Pens are different as they are not as popular. Unlike a TV or radio ad, the industry does not put a lot of emphasis on promotional pens. As a result, you can get a bunch of cheap pens by visiting They are well worth the investment even if they don’t work as well as you think they will as they only cost peanuts.
Mix And Match
Due to their cost, you can mix and match your marketing tools for greater impact. Instead of putting all of your eggs in one basket, you can put them in several and increase the chances of success. The most expensive tools may mean you only get one go at making a difference to your market share. However, pens allow you to have as many goes as you can afford. At the very least, you know that you have one technique that is cheap and works. When you have that backup plan, you can invest your money in a variety of options.
Adds Value To The Consumer
How do you get a promotional pen? You get them for free. This is a key factor in the process because everyone loves a freebie according to If you give out freebies such as pens, you are more likely to have an effect on the customer. Forget about its promotional value for a minute and focus on the gesture. Not every company gives away freebies, so you can stand out from the crowd. In truth, the freebie could be anything. But, they are the perfect freebie because pens are cheap and a constant reminder of your brand. Anything that gives the customer value is a great tool that you should try and incorporate into your strategy.
They Work
The fact is that pens work. Whether you think they are a good option or not, you can’t deny that they influence people’s decisions. Otherwise, companies around the world would not still use them to this day. At the end of the day, you need a promotional tool that works.
The answer is yes – pens are still a good promotional tool for your business.
Photo by Kazoka | Shutterstock
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