A Business Case for Rest

If you’re at your office desk right now, ask yourself these questions: Do I feel sluggish? Has my day been less than productive? Do I feel unfocused and overwhelmed?

If you say “yes!” to any of these, then it’s time to take a break.

“Technology was intended to simplify our days, but with it driving so many people’s lives, it’s important to rewire to get the results we want from ourselves,” says Dr. Camille Preston, CEO and founder of AIM Leadership.

Preston’s four tips to recharge are: work in 90 minute increments, limit meetings to 50 minutes, schedule appointments between 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. only, and allocate specific hours to check emails.

“There has to be a shift mentally and physiologically in order for the brain to come back more focused and free of toxins blocking creative thoughts,” she says.

Her fifth, more unconventional tip? Taking a nap proves to be the most valuable in increasing effectiveness, creativity and innovation.

“I worked with a lawyer, who had a less than stellar year. I came to her office one day and noticed she had a couch that had practically been used as a filing cabinet,” she says.

“I told her to nap on that couch for about 10 minutes twice a day, and she did. That year her productivity increased tremendously.”

Workers think deeper, are more effective, and happier when they are able to unplug, which brings more value to businesses. Now that’s a business case your boss can’t argue with!

Bonus PINK Link: Take a Life/Work balance quiz in our online exclusive.

How do you recharge?

By Christina Caldwell

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”
Chinese Proverb

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