A CEO's Success Secrets

Barbara Turf's Success Secrets

Here are five tips from the top.

She went from part-time sales clerk to leader of a billion-dollar housewares company (while still being there for her family). So Barbara Turf, CEO of Crate and Barrel, has to have some success secrets we can all use. We asked her.

Here are her five timeless tips for a beautiful career and a beautiful life:

1. Work a little harder, get a little tougher, and you’ll reap rewards. Women are such a powerful and important group of decision-makers and consumers, and it’s more important than ever that we make our voices heard as leaders.

2. Life/Work balance can be achieved, but you must have the desire and be very energetic, because you have to put a lot of effort into work and also have energy left over.

3. As leaders and business owners, it’s always a good time to look to the future. We at Crate and Barrel believe that the best ideas often come from the next generation.

4. Success isn’t about money or the power you have. It’s about staying true to who you are, to your gut, and being happy.

5. Do what you love and the successes you achieve will just be the icing on the cake.

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