How To Avoid Nerves When Talking to the Press

If you are like most people, it can be nerve wracking to talk to the press. But there are several things you can do to give a great interview… even when you’re heart is racing.

First, just like the Boy Scout motto, “be prepared.” A media member can call at any time so review your messaging and write down the key points you want to convey in advance. Think about what you want to say and how you plan to say it. You may even want to keep some talking points near your phone for easy access.

Next, practice your speaking and interview skills. Work with a friend or co-worker on practice interviews using a recorder or video camera. Then, review your tone and body movements and get feedback on your responses. The more you practice, the easier your interviews will be. Plus, wouldn’t you like to see how you interview now rather than watching your mistakes on a national news broadcast?

It is natural to feel nervous when doing an interview. But if you take the time to prepare and practice on a regular basis, you’ll have more confidence. And this can lead to better interviews that build buzz and sales for your business.

By Melanie Rembrandt

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