Five Ways to Invest in Your Career

Investing in Futures

By Caroline Cox

When planning to improve your career, there’s no time like the present. So, where to start? 

Kimberly Palmer, author of Generation Earn, helps PINK compile a list of the top five ways to invest in your career.

1. Outside help: Palmer suggests hiring someone to do the little things, like manage your calendar. “Paying for a cleaning or grocery delivery service frees up time that can be better spent on work.”

2. Professional Services: “Even as we’re trying to cut costs, paying for a career coach, personal shopper or leadership class can pay off big-time,” she explains.

3. A Website Facelift: Experts say securing your company’s domain name and hiring a quality web designer will do wonders for your online presence. “Almost every new client, boss or coworker you meet will first ‘see’ you online,” Palmer says.

4. Top-notch Resources: “Make sure you invest in resources for yourself.” Great bosses know the value in a productive workspace, a well-connected network, and money set aside for work-related expenses.

5. Relationships with Other Women: Do you have a female mentor? Palmer suggests looking for a high-powered women in your community to connect with, or finding a woman who inspires you and see how her characteristics can help you improve or make a change.

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