We know you’ve been having a bit of separation anxiety from Gucci, Prada, Balenciaga and Louis Vuitton these days. Designer handbags do make a professional woman’s wardrobe pop – but they also make your pockets ache. And since times are still tough, buying authentic handbags might be out of your budget. You could buy knock offs, but is it worth it?
According to the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC), 18 percent of counterfeit products seized by U.S. Customs are made up of fashion items, like handbags. And while you might save cash up front, replicas are often poorly constructed and made from low-quality materials.
Want high fashion on a low budget?
Sites like Avelle, Ann’s Fabulous Finds and Fashionphile offer gently used designer buys for less. Not sure if it’s real? Learn how to spot a fake by only shopping authorized dealers, checking out intended price points for products and carefully inspecting quality and signature designs.
There are ways to indulge that make you look like you spent a fortune for half the price. We like these reasonably priced designer handbags from Michael Kors and Kate Spade.
Bought a knockoff and want some much-needed fashion justice? Designer labels like Coach have a section on their websites for consumers to report those selling knockoffs of their goods.
Bonus PINK Link: Bought a bag on a budget? The contents of your new buy can tell a lot about your finances.
By Artesia Peluso
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