No Guilt, No Glory?

Working mom Tracye Hutchins admits she feels guilty leaving her 13-year-old daughter at 3:30 a.m. every morning to be on the air at 4:30 hosting “Better Mornings” for a CBS affiliate.

“I think women feel like we need to be perfect at everything,” says Hutchins. “I feel guilty about not being with my daughter in the mornings, but I just remember that I’m fortunate to be with her on nights and weekends.”

Nearly three-quarters of all mothers are in the workforce. A recent PINK poll shows a majority of working moms surveyed experience guilt.

What to do?

“Don’t stress out about not being perfect,” Hutchins tells PINK. “Stay focused on the reason you work so hard in the first place: for your family.” She says having a supportive family that helps take care of her child alleviates some of the guilt.

Experts say having confidence in your decision to return to work, avoiding debates with people who have made other choices and being completely focused during time spent with your family are all ways to balance your top priorities.

Bonus PINK Link: Find out 10 ways to conquer guilt in our online exclusive.

Minute Mentor: Emily Giffin, New York Times bestselling author, gives advice on dealing with guilt.

By Aleta Watson and Caroline Cox

“Guilt is regret for what we’ve done. Regret is guilt for what we didn’t do.”  Unknown

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