You Are Smart – Are You Safe?

You have another late night at the office and as you head to your car, you stay alert – but despite your wits, you find yourself in a compromising position. Because of gender, women tend to be more vulnerable to assaults.

Crime statistics reveal that one in four women will be a victim of sexual assault in her lifetime.

“An easy and accessible option for professional women is to take a community class on self defense,” says Susan Martinez, author of Outsmarting the Bad Guys. “A little knowledge can go a long way. Being a black belt, of course, [helps]. I’d love for every woman to take martial arts training.”

ABC News suggests wearing comfortable clothing when walking alone, avoid scarves and necklaces that are easy to grab. Make eye contact with passersby and change up your walking routes.

If grabbed by a stranger, remember the four most sensitive areas on a man’s body are the eyes, knees, groin, and throat, says Associated Content. Plus, carry pepper spray with you and target the eyes for maximum harm.

Use your elbows and whatever is in your hands as a weapon (from keys to an umbrella) and remain calm, suggests Yahoo! Shine.

Bonus PINK Link: Make sure to be ready if something happens. Here’s how to choose the right insurance.

By Muriel Vega

“A woman is like a tea bag, you can not tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water.” Nancy Reagan

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