Simmer Down

Experts declare resounding support to daily rituals of “me time.”

Too often, however, even the best laid plans to take time for ourselves, can fall prey to the never ending pull of the needs of those around us.

As a mother and businesswoman, Promilla Mohan, president of Davidson’s Organic Teas, knows the stress that can come with wearing many different hats.

“Before having my son, I didn’t think to find a balance or take time for me,” she says.

“Now that I have so much in my life outside of work, I realize the need to do things for myself on a regular basis because otherwise it is nonstop.”

Mohan proactively manages her stress through practicing yoga, taking the time to talk on the phone with friends – and, of course, drinking tea.

Her favorite?

Darjeeling, a delicate tea from the region of the Himalayas where she is from, with a “bit of sweetener and a drop of milk.”

A Rutgers study revealed it contains cancer-preventing properties and also has the ability to slow cancer growth.

In the mountain regions of Asia, teas have been used for centuries for relaxation, nourishment and healing.

“I like to tell my patients, in some ways we are what we eat (and drink),” says Alison Massey, a registered dietitian and diabetes educator at Mercy Medical Center.

“Teas offer nutritional benefits, which vary based on the type of tea,” she adds.

Herbal teas hold a reputation for their calming effects; and, some research supports the medicinal properties of the plants from which they are derived.

“It is important for all women to develop healthy, stress-management techniques,” says Massey. “If sipping a cup of tea is relaxing, then go for it!”

Passionflower, known to have a Xanax effect, ashwanganda and Siberian ginseng are your best bets.

Bonus PINK Link: Break away from the typical workplace boundaries and learn how to create your blue ocean..

What’s your go-to method of relaxation?

By Meghan Miranda

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.” Sydney J. Harris

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