Techie Time Savers

With all the updates, upgrades and pricey new gadgets, it’s hard to know which tech trends are worth jumping on and which to let pass.

“Technology allows [businesswomen] to track everything from referrals to click patterns to purchases,” says Carley Knobloch, CEO and founder of Digitwirl.

“When you have data about how people find your company, what interests them and what they’re purchasing, you can stay in touch with your market and grow at little to no cost.”

So, where to begin?

Organizational tools like Wunderkit and Asana let users create virtual work spaces. You can share ideas, projects and tasks with team members from a laptop, tablet or Smartphone.

Managing clients and customers is easier with programs like Highrise, which organizes email conversations and texts you client follow-up reminders. Olark adds an easy-to-use live chat feature on your site to improve customer service.

Save time with one-stop programs like FreshBooks, which makes invoicing clients, tracking expenses and making payments more efficient. Knobloch calls this software “an aspirin to the billing/collection headache.”

Online newsletters are “an inexpensive way to build relationships with prospects, engage with customers and directly affect and drive sales,” says Rachel Rewerts, an account manager at email marketing company Delivra.

Feeling overwhelmed? “You want to use tech to save time, not spend all weekend trying to figure out how it works,” says Knobloch.

Bonus PINK Link: Check out our tips on avoiding a technology takeover.

What technology helps you run your business? and let us know!


By Christy Rogers

“I don’t want to be left behind. In fact, I want to be here before the action starts.” Kerry Packer

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