The Power of a Secret Weapon    

Many women use secret power weapons when they want to feel extra powerful and confident. For instance, when its time to get on the platform and speak to hundreds of women on the importance of leading their business, the ethical way, many women might wear a pair of sky-high heels, a classic suit, a pair of vintage earrings or even a matching bra and panty set to boost their minds, their poise… their confidence.
Are you among these women?
Perhaps you’re the one to choose the color white for their power suit or matching bra and panties. Did you know white has often been associated with innocence, purity, goodness and light, as well as faith and peace?
Interestingly, the color’s archetype is calming and orderly, and when life is taking a turn, whether you are moving across the state or starting a new job, you may find a desire for white clothing, as it represents new directions and hope. The neutrality of white relaxes the eye, promotes calmness and balance.
Or, perhaps the color red, which symbolizes life and is known as the color of determination lies beneath your clothes? Red can truly awaken us with confidence and power, alike; however, too much of it can make us angry and too little can make us weak. So yes, every woman needs a little red, especially when it comes to our areas of intimacy.
But, is it all based on color or does confidence lie underneath it all?
The bra, our friend and our enemy, at times, is the most technical piece of clothing we wear. As the first layer of clothing, closest to our bodies, closest to what covers and uncovers our inner being, its symbolism is truly powerful. It can make you extra confident, ready to take on the world; or, as an bad breakup, it can lower your demeanor and make you feel frumpy and less in control.
In a recent study done by INTIMACY, 96 percent of women felt more confident in a properly fitted bra. And, we all know how vital confidence is in the work place, and in everyday life. Yes, it starts in the soul but then it resonates underneath our clothing with our undergarments. The reason for this boost of confidence is simple: a properly fitted bra fits better, it eliminates bra issues [aka tugging, pulling, yanking], and may improve posture.
“It is truly remarkable to see the sense of confidence across a woman’s face when they put on a power bra that fits them perfectly in our fitting rooms,” says Molly Hauge, store manager of the INTIMACY Atlanta store. She continues, “it is such a rewarding and fun moment to share with clients as they regain their confidence back.”
The powerful secret weapon has been revealed.
Regardless of color and style, the perfect bra fit equals confidence. But, you choose: share or keep it our little secret?


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