5 Steps to a Million Dollar Handshake

Sharon Hill believes your handshake is the doorway to successful business relationships.

Shaking hands is the first professional contact with someone. A weak or meek one sets a poor tone for future encounters.

But you can use the handshake to your advantage, says Hill, a business etiquette expert. “Whoever extends their hand first has the power.”

Here are five steps to a perfect handshake:

  • Lock thumbs together and wrap your fingers around their fingers.
  • Always use your right hand, even if you are left-handed.
  • Put pressure on the person’s hand. This conveys confidence.
  • Pump from the elbow two to three times, and let go.
  • Make eye contact at the same time, and smile.
  • After shaking hands, ask for the name of person you’re meeting if you didn’t catch it initially – or repeat their name. Not only does doing this allow you to memorize their name, it also lets that person know that you think they’re important, says Hill.

When meeting someone from another country, Hill advises: “understand their culture and don’t feel offended if their customs don’t involve shaking hands.”

She recommends Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands as a guide to cultural customs for international business introductions. For example, a woman would not shake hands with a man in some Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia or Indonesia.

And don’t take it personally if the other person doesn’t readily accept your handshake. Hill says simply drop it and continue the conversation. “They could have a cold or another reason for not reciprocating.”

Bonus PINK Link: Our online exclusive highlights tips of five extraordinary communicators in the C-Suite of global companies.

Have a workplace handshake horror story?

By Carmen Harbour

“You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.”
Indira Gandhi

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