7 Top Travel Tips

With more than 32 million trips taken in the past year, women are becoming the driving force in the travel industry. And those who often travel for work know the value of making the experience stress-free and efficient.

The best way to accomplish this? Anticipate.

“The benefits of planning ahead are getting that spa treatment you deserve, the seat [on the plane] you desire, the restaurant reservation you need, and you can take care of everything at home beforehand,” says Denise Moreno of Global Black Book.

At one point in her career, Moreno was traveling for work more than 40 weeks a year. Her checklist included redeeming points for frequent parking and giving her

family the phone number of her hotel and the building where she was working in case of an emergency.

You can research the airport beforehand to see if there’s a lesser-known security checkpoint, a spot with free Wi-Fi or a napping station to catch up on sleep or just get some peace and quiet.

When packing toiletries, travel kits with pre-packaged hair and body products following the 3-1-1 rule (3 liquid ounces, 1 quart-size bag, 1 bag per traveler) will ensure a smooth airport security experience. Experts also suggest taping a business card to your laptop to avoid loss or a mix-up.

Anne Maurice, director of sales and marketing at Cappella Hotels, suggests checking the hotel’s website for the best available rates and knowing check-out times in advance, especially when traveling internationally.

Bonus PINK Link: Check out our guide for how to jet set and save.

By Keon Jamaal Steele

“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” Unknown

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