A Leap of Faith

“People need to know their business and be masters of their particular craft,” says Shan Cooper, Vice President and General Manager-Marietta, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co.

“Whatever your role and responsibilities, you need to be the expert in your area; and approach your tasks with energy and enthusiasm.”

Sound advice from a woman who transitioned from a HR expert to an aeronautics executive overnight.

Check out our exclusive interview with this weeks’ top woman.

Taking the plunge into a completely different role can be a daunting task.

Cooper suggests the best way to combat what is sure to be a steep learning curve is to be curious and ask questions to help you learn the business inside and out.

“I spent many hours studying and preparing for my new role in the operational world – reading, climbing all over airplanes on the production lines, talking with our customers, leaders, employees and subject matter experts,” she says.

“Overnight, I went from ‘building’ careers to building airplanes!” she says.

Cooper encourages women to rely on skills, knowledge, passion and drive, rather than gender – to be themselves and celebrate the diversity and expertise they bring to the table.

The uniqueness she embraces rather than allowing it to hold her back?

“I’m afraid of heights!” she says.

Ironic for a person who oversees the building of airplanes.

Bonus PINK Link: If HR to airplanes isn’t a drastic enough career change, meet Shelley O’Connor who went from star of the show to star of Wall Street.

Tell us about a role you took on with little to no background knowledge.

By Meghan Miranda

Meghan is a freelance writer based in Atlanta. She also works full-time in corporate sales. Follow her on twitter @meghan_says.

“It’s those whose lives we touch who will declare us successful … or not.” Shan Cooper

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