Need a Digital Day Off?

The concept of Analog Sunday is spreading quickly – and we’re not surprised. The idea is to encourage people to take a day off from all things digital. That means unplugging, avoiding the computer, relaxing and engaging with the world in a technology-free way.

Though it’s meant to make things easier, technology can often feel like a weight around your neck. A recent study shows employees change windows, check email or other programs approximately 37 times an hour.

You take vacations away from home – why not take a vacation from technology?

“It’s important to take a break from technology,” Denise Moreno, co-founder of Global Black Book, tells PINK. “It puts our lives into perspective and allows us

to get back in touch with ourselves and know what’s important to us.” If you can’t take a full-on vacation, she recommends spending at least an hour a day hiking, journaling or doing yoga – no technology allowed.

If you do get a chance to pack the car and get away for the weekend, experts suggest refraining from digital vices. “The way many of us record our vacations down to the last detail and immediately post to Facebook [makes it] more of a documentary than a vacation.”

To cut down on technology time, Excelle advises knowing exactly what you want to get done while on the computer. That way, you spend your time efficiently so you can log off without worrying about going back to complete other tasks.

“As hard as this idea may seem,” adds Moreno, “have the courage to do it and you will thank yourself.”

Bonus PINK Link: Want to ensure a stress-free vacation? Here’s how.

By Malee Moua

“Vacation used to be a luxury – in today’s
world, it has become a necessity.” Unknown  

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