Happiness Is, by 15-Year-Old Dora

Fifteen-year-olds Dora and Akuah recently wowed a group of women leaders who attended a workshop I led on Finding Your Flow: The Alternative to Work Life Imbalance. Dora and Akuah were there at the invitation of a Girls Inc. board member where they are serving as interns this summer. When participants were asked to define pleasure, happiness, and fulfillment, Dora’s response won the crowd.

Pleasure is what you want.

Happiness is what you do.

Fulfillment is the result of what you do.

I, for one, am inspired and hopeful about the next generation of women leaders based on meeting these two young women who are confident, bold and obviously quite wise. Imagine what the future holds. I was also moved to find a young woman to mentor, and I am not sure who will benefit more – her or me.

By Anne Perschel

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