Money-saving, Multi-tasker Meals

Cooking for hours in the kitchen probably isn’t your ideal way to spend the evening after a full day of work, but cooking quick meals that are healthy – and leftovers you can bring to work the next day – can save you money without sacrificing taste.

Where to begin?

“Buy foods in smaller portion size,” says Lisa Erickson, co-author of Cooking for One. For example, she advises buying an Asian eggplant, which is smaller than the Italian variety. You can make this quick eggplant parmesan the night before and have a hearty bite for lunch the next day.

If you’re in the mood for salad, Erickson suggests prepping foods right after you come home from the supermarket. “Partially process the foods so that, on work nights, much of the prep is done.”

“Cook seasonally to avoid waste,” says Erickson. She recommends eating foods at the peak of their flavor when they’re freshest and best tasting. This summer, try whipping up a savory peach chicken dish that can take you from dinner table to break room.

Some meals may be a more time consuming, but can be portioned to eat throughout the week. Erickson suggests ratatouille for polenta for Monday, a blue cheese tart Wednesday and the rest for a pizza on Friday. Shopping at a local farmer’s markets ensures you get fresh ingredients at a fair price.

Want more? Hungry Girl tweaks your favorite recipes to make them healthier, offers recipe Q&As and the latest news on women’s nutrition. WebMD suggests bringing wraps, casseroles and soups to work to save money and minutes.

Bonus PINK Link: Check out PINK CEO Cynthia Good’s blog on her favorite meals in Venice, Italy!

By Malee Moua

“Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life.”  Elsa Schiaparelli

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