One Great Adventure

There’s a saying that some people live 90 years, but others live one year 90 times. The difference is that happy people are living their work and their life as one great adventure, while others are simply enduring their day-to-day.

The truth is: life isn’t about what you do; it’s about how you do it. You may not currently love your job, but you can choose to do the job in a way that is life-enriching and not life-depleting.

Try writing down your vision for your life in four areas: your health, your career, your relationships and leisure time. Fold up that paper; keep it with you, and read it frequently.

Let your work be an expression of your life …

Jot down 20 things you could do that would move your vision forward, and schedule them on your calendar &#8211 even if it’s a year from now. You’ll notice something wonderful start to happen.

A whole set of invisible laws are activated that begin to move circumstances around in your favor, and your dreams become more tangible.

If you feel like your work is out of balance with your life, it’s time for a change of perception and the way you relate to the moment you are in.

Let your work be an expression of your life; you deserve to love it!

COMMENT: Are you successfully balancing home and work? Share your tips!

BONUS PINK LINK: Want to squeeze in a mini vacation before summer ends?

By Mary Morrissey

Mary is an international speaker, best-selling author and president of LifeSOULutions. Visit her website or follow her on Twitter @marymorrissey.

“One is not born a woman, one becomes one.” Simone de Beauvoir

Image Shutterstock: Dudarev Mikhail

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