One of the Guys?

During an economic climate when many have grown weary of the corporate food chain, The Home Depot’s Southern Division President Ann-Marie Campbell represents a glimmer of hope.

Meet This Week’s Top Woman – Ann-Marie Campbell, Southern Division President, The Home Depot – In Honor of Black History Month

Campbell began her career with The Home Depot as a cashier nearly 28 years ago, and made what she calls, “the normal progression that happens in retail.”

Throughout the years, she has relocated across the country to advance her career – to California to become the Regional Vice President of Operations, to Atlanta as the Vice President of Operations, the list goes on.

Campbell has worked in almost every company channel from e-commerce to a stint as the Vice President of Merchandising.

Being one of few women in a male-dominated industry, she credits her upbringing for the confidence she maintains in a room full of men.

“I have three older brothers and my husband has five brothers,” she adds. “I’m used to dealing with a lot of men in my family, which I think has contributed to my success.”

She also has two sons.

“It’s given me a combination of being able to adapt and flex when necessary, but also remain confident in myself.”

Still, Campbell believes she has been filtered out of some opportunities because she is a woman – because she has kids.

More than race, she feels it is the perception of women that has been the greater challenge.

“Within any industry there are stereotypical things of what people believe we can and can’t do,” she says. “In the U.S. [at The Home Depot], I am the first women to run a division.”


Early on, Campbell received the best business advice she says she’s ever been told.

“[I learned] Not to limit myself to what I think I can do, but to stretch myself to think I will do,” she says.

Bonus PINK Link: Black Female Entrepreneurs: Bittersweet Perspective.

Has being the only woman in the room prepared you for advancement?

By L. Nicole Williams

Nicole is the Editor at Little PINK Book. Follow her on Twitter @iamnicwill.

“It’s only when you develop others that you personally succeed.” Ann-Marie Campbell

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