Productivity in Pajamas

Working from home has its upsides.

You can wear sweatpants, lounge on your couch and watch recorded TV shows during lunch break.

But these advantages can lead to less productivity.

“People can get sidetracked by personal tasks. Others feel lonely if they’re used to a corporate office,” says Lisa Kanarek, home office expert and founder of

Without the confines of an office and a boss over your shoulder, many find it difficult to sustain the drive to work efficiently.

The good news? This study shows employees are more industrious when working remotely.

Setting a schedule is key to staying focused, says Kanarek. “It can be flexible, but set a general time each day that you want to start working. Otherwise, it can be noon before you answer even one e-mail.”

She also recommends setting time targets. When working on a project or answering emails, work in one or two-hour blocks of time. “When you have a deadline, you’ll be more productive,” she adds.

Keep supplies, reference materials and anything else you need often, nearby. Leaving your home office to get what you’re missing could take up hours of time spent working.

If working from home isn’t for you, or you can’t carve out a dedicated workspace, Kanarek suggests finding a co-working space or a shared office suite. There’s also the option of spending a few hours plugged into the wireless internet at a local coffee house, if you need the hustle and bustle to be productive!

With a little discipline, working from home can be productive and save the boss money while you get to enjoy flexibility.

Bonus PINK Link: Read more on how to get paid while working from home.

how you stay productive at home!

By Felicia Edlin

“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”
Maya Angelou

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