Publicity Pace is Key

As you prepare and act on your PR plan, it is important to move at the right speed. Otherwise, you will waste time, money and effort. To help you reach your publicity goals, here is a brief speed review:

1. Stop.

It is essential to take the appropriate amount of time to research and prepare specific pitches for individual reporters. Watch, listen and read the various media venues you want to pursue. If you rush through this step, you will be less likely to develop a good story idea that will be interesting and unique to press members. Plus, if you simply speed through and send out a blanket press release to hundreds of reporters, it could be a straight ticket to the wastebasket. Or worse, you may be “blacklisted” and have a very difficult time reaching media members in the future.

2. Yield.

When you have your pitch ready to go, proceed carefully. Before you pick up the phone, review your key points and ask yourself if your story angle is newsworthy. Also look at the clock. What time zone are you about to call? Is it lunchtime or after hours? Are you calling right when the producer is working on the show or at a reporter’s deadline? Just by taking a few minutes to collect your thoughts and think about your pitch before contacting the media, you will present a much better story and have better luck landing some ink.

3. Go!

Give your succinct pitch and listen carefully to how the media members respond. If they want more information, get it to them as quickly as possible. And if you receive a call from a reporter, return the call quickly. By acting fast, you will avoid missing deadlines and help secure more press mentions. If you want to develop valuable media relationships and reach your publicity goals, it’s essential to proceed with the right activities in a timely fashion. Otherwise, you’ll waste resources on publicity activities and even hurt your business reputation.

By Melanie Rembrandt

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