Raised in a Revolution

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June 2, 2011
Raised in a Revolution

For women in countries like Egypt, Libya and Syria, almost every day is a fight for their freedom, voice and lives. The outcome of the protests and revolts will forever change their futures. It certainly did for Niloufar Molavi.

Molavi grew up during the Iranian Revolution and U.S. Hostage Crisis. She commonly witnessed street shootings and bomb explosions until her family escaped to France when she was 12. But she says the experience ultimately helped bring her the success she has today, as chief diversity officer for PricewaterhouseCoopers.

“It just felt like I was going through a difficult childhood and it wasn’t fair,” she tells PINK. “In hindsight… it helped me be comfortable with change and view 

change as an opportunity to learn new skills and work with new people rather than being negative.”

Molavi doesn’t like to recall the hardships that plagued her childhood, but says she’s been talking about it more lately to bring awareness to women in the same situation today.

Women in these countries continue rising up to be heard, despite the attacks and violence allegedly being committed against them. Whether or not women will come out stronger than before after peace is restored remains to be seen.

Bonus PINK Link: Find out more about PwC’s chief diversity officer Niloufar Molavi in PINK’s exclusive Top Woman Profile.

By Caroline Cox

“There is no education like adversity.”  Disraeli

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