She Rules the Road

Every time you buckle up, stop for a pedestrian or resist the urge to text and drive, know Deborah Hersman probably had something to do with it.

As Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board, her top priority is keeping people safe.

(Click to read her exclusive profile.)

At the helm of this 400-person, $100 million agency, Hersman, 41, oversees budget, production, policy and outreach.

She works to improve communication of safety issues with the public and regularly speaks before Congress.

Hersman says her greatest joys come from spending time with her husband and three children, exploring her innate curiosity and being a compassionate leader.

PINK: How has your upbringing resulted in your success?
DH: My dad was a pilot and a general in the Air Force. I grew up all over the world during the Cold War. We moved 13 times [before I was 18] – I lived in Europe, California, Jordan, Alabama, Spain, Virginia, Germany and England. That taught me about resiliency and change. There are things you feel like you can’t get through, but you can. That’s what life is.

PINK: What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?
DH: The best advice you can give to anyone is to set goals. Whether they’re career goals or just life goals like health and wellness. I think setting goals is very important. You have to know where you’re going to get there. Setting goals helps you make progress and understand the journey is sometimes just as important [as the destination]. Goals can change; you just need to have them.

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By Caroline Cox

“Setting goals and finding what you love is probably the most important thing anyone can do.” Deborah Hersman

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