Time to Stop the Stress

Things are crazy right now, but it’s not the time to give up. Instead, it’s time to work a little harder and be more creative. There are businesses out there hiring workers and paying for new services. It’s just a matter of finding them and fulfilling their needs.

Here are a few tips to help promote you and your business to “get your piece of the pie”:

• Research. Look online to see which businesses and industries are doing well. Then, find out who is hiring, what they are looking for and how your services fit their needs. What problem are they having that you can solve?

• Market Yourself. Once you’ve done your research, target exactly why your unique services will help the business succeed. Then, create a marketing package. Instead of sending a simple resume or brochure, cater your pitch to solving the specific needs of the potential employer or client.

By doing some extra work and figuring out why someone should hire you, you’ll stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of boosting your income.

By Melanie Rembrandt

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