Woman’s Best Friend

You’ve had another rough day at work. A conference call went badly, the printer jammed again and the Internet was moving slower than molasses. Fortunately, many women have kind companions and terrific listeners waiting at home: their pets.

Medical studies show that pets lower our anxiety and blood pressure while boosting immunity, a fact that Americans – who own around 77.5 million dogs and 93.6 million cats – already realize.

“We love having a new puppy,” says Jodi Weintraub, Managing Director of Resources Global. “Sophie provides unconditional happiness. You can’t be in a bad mood or stressed out when you get home when you are overwhelmed with puppy breath as she licks your face!”

Don’t have a pet? Thousands of loving animals are up for adoption nationwide.

Psychologists say the type of animal you choose doesn’t matter, all will improve your attitude. What does matter is that your new family member fits your lifestyle. This quiz will help determine which pet will work best.

More women now enjoy their pet’s company at the office. Is your workplace suitable for a furry companion? You don’t have to wait until Take Your Dog to Work Day  next summer if your company likes the idea of having your pet visit.

Bonus PINK Link: Karen Faunt shares how having pets has helped her succeed.

By Jennifer Gambrell

How do you feel about pets in the office? Let us know in the comments!


“My goal in life is to become the kind of person my dog already thinks I am.” Author Unknown

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