10+ Ways to Green-ify Your Business

Running an eco-friendly business can help the planet – and your profits.

Studies show nearly 70 percent of consumers would buy a product because of the corporate social responsibility initiatives of the brand or company.

When Naomi Whittel started her award-winning neutraceutical company Reserveage Organics, she made protecting the planet one of her core values. How did she do it?

“Gaining employee buy-in with programs and initiatives is crucial to the success of your eco-friendly business,” she says. “When employees embrace these practices, the success of the company is limitless.”

Reserveage’s sustainability practices include packaging products in recycled materials and using vegetable-based inks.

Looking to make your company more environmentally friendly? Experts suggest printing double-sided documents, using refurbished office furniture and unplugging equipment when not in use.

Small Business Trends recommends starting a “green” team to begin a company recycling policy and providing incentives like gift cards and rewards for taking public transportation or carpooling to work.

Cradle to Cradle has more eco-friendly office tips, like covering rooftops with soil and plants for natural insulation and using synthetic paper not made from trees.

Plus, A Climate for Change suggests using the sleep function on your computer and sensor-regulated lighting at your office.

Bonus PINK Link: Get tips on how to create core values for your company in our online exclusive.

By Farren Davis

“The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.” Zeno

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