Feng Shui Your Office

Clutter in corners, no windows, bad lighting – all of these seemingly small office annoyances can affect your productivity and mood in a big way.

How are you supposed to focus on that promotion or pitch a project when you can’t concentrate? Believe it or not, the right colors, layout and lighting can help bring out the best of you and your career.

Office feng shui comes from the ancient Chinese practice of using positive aesthetics to improve your outlook.

The average U.S. employee feels she would be 21 percent more productive given a better work environment, according to a recent survey. Poor workplace design costs U.S. businesses about $330 billion in lost productivity per year.

Minimize clutter in your office by keeping documents online and switching out extraneous objects from your desk for plants, lamps and personal pictures to create ambience.

If you can, use a supportive chair and place your desk in a commanding position: in view of the door with a window or pleasant picture ahead of you and a wall behind you. Facing the entrance and natural light increases creativity, says Bukisa.com.

Office design can improve teamwork as well. A harmonious layout and conference room ambience can promote or discourage collaboration and innovation. Planning a brainstorming meeting? Add some comfy chairs, refreshments, stress balls and avoid sound intrusions, if possible.

Bonus PINK Link: If you still can’t concentrate, your space may need a wall-to-wall rehaul.

By Muriel Vega

“People ignore design that ignores people.” Unknown

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