Afraid of the Boss?

Though you’re confident about your worth at work, bringing up a tough issue with your boss – about pregnancy, promotion or a possible raise – can still make your palms sweat. How can you calm those nerves and make the conversation a success?

“Offer support and you will likely get support in return,” says Jane Boucher, author of How To Love The Job You Hate.

“Your boss is human, too. If you want a promotion, need a leave of absence or have some other personal issue, begin the conversation by asking your boss what you can do to make [her] job easier.”

Boucher also suggests putting yourself in the boss’ shoes. “Remember, empathy and understanding is a two-way street.  With today’s economy, many

bosses are feeling an immense amount of stress.  Your boss may sincerely want to make things better, but might feel frustrated by top management.”

Want more?

To ease anxiety, experts suggest building the relationship early on. Identify her communication style, show you’re proactive about learning new skills and ask for feedback.

When presenting an argument, bring backup materials to support your point, go over your answers beforehand and keep emotion out of it so you can stay levelheaded.

Being upfront, especially about issues that directly affect the company, will show you’re honest. If a project is too overwhelming, hiding it or waiting too long to speak up may make you look less reliable.

Bonus PINK Link: It may be the boss who fears her employees. Here’s why.

By Muriel Vega

“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s
who you think you’re not.” Unknown

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