Go Natural at Work?

Maintaining a polished and professional appearance at work means being on top of your game and confident in yourself. But when it comes to putting your best face forward, is your makeup potentially damaging your skin?

Many chemical-based cosmetics use preservatives and fragrances that can cause skin problems, like increased sensitivity, erythema, rosacea and dehydration, which may lead to premature wrinkles and acne.

Mineral makeup has natural ingredients that can fight aging by protecting your skin without drying it out. Mineral cosmetics are generally lighter than regular makeup, and the crystals in them contain a natural SPF derived from titanium dioxide and zinc.

Worried about getting the powder on your expensive suit? Products like the Minerals Mate palette give you a place to tap off excess so the makeup stays on your face – not your blouse.

Research shows choosing a light foundation that isn’t chemical-based and lets your pores breathe may be a good option. While companies like bareMinerals have been using natural ingredients for years, drugstore brands like Covergirl and Almay have started doing the same.

Some makeup even contains harmful carcinogens that can lead to cancer. Experts suggest avoiding products containing formaldehyde, phthalates, lead and other metals. Plus, organizations like Skin Deep partner with researchers to create a “Cosmetics Database,” providing information about all types of cosmetics and their affects on our skin and health.

Bonus PINK Link: If you’ve already got skin issues, piling on makeup can make it worse. Here’s how to combat adult acne.

Minute Mentor: Jenny Levison, owner of Souper Jenny, talks with PINK about the importance of taking care of yourself.

By Sheilah Fulton

“I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep.  That’s deep enough.  What do you want an adorable pancreas?” Jean Kerr

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