Hit the Jackpot

As the economy improves (slowly but surely), more owners are investing in their businesses again.

New data shows 1 in 5 small business owners will invest capital in marketing, technology and expansion this year.

Ways include “email campaigns, landing pages, banner ads and social media promotions,” says Lori Bolas, spokeswoman for SurePayroll.

“Small business owners are looking for an easy way to outsource time-consuming essentials to concentrate on growing their businesses,” she explains.

Bolas says owners are working smarter (vs. harder) and outsourcing in areas like 

customer relationship management to avoid the hassle while reaping the benefits through profit and more available time.

Owners seeking funds for expansion shows they’re optimistic and realistic, which experts say is a valuable mindset in today’s market.

Unsure of where to invest? Other experts share tips on what to consider before taking the financial plunge, like determining if hidden benefits are involved and if hiring an employee will be worth the money.

Bonus PINK Link: Find out how to keep your company’s money safe by knowing how to avoid scammers.

and tell us how you’re reinvesting in your business this year.

By Farren Davis

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” Unknown

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