Ignoring the Naysayers

It’s National Business Women’s Week, starting today.

Always wanted to own a business, but deterred by others telling you it’s a bad idea?

Take a cue from Garnett Newcombe. Ignoring naysayers and following her gut resulted in a multi-million dollar business.

Human Potential Consultants, her job placement agency, finds work for disabled individuals, war veterans and those on probation or parole.

She’s made a business plugging a gap where government placement agencies were falling short.

Boasting a 65-70 percent placement rate, Newcombe recalls when support wasn’t always easy to come by in the initial stages: “We received a lot of resistance because we were a ‘for profit’ business providing social services. The challenge was to educate that HPC was not trying to replace existing services, but provide a helpful alternative.”

Her company now makes about $10 million in annual revenue.

But the beginning was tough – her company didn’t turn a profit for several years, initially.

Another tricky variable? Being in the ‘people’ business. HPC had one jobseeker who simply did not like to work with people. Or so thought Newcombe.

After her assessment, she found the candidate was task-oriented. She enjoyed watching the hit TV show, CSI, and was interested in becoming a crime scene forensic specialist. 

“We helped her enroll in a school that offered the program. She went on to graduate and find work in this field,” says Newcombe.

Eventually, success comes down to belief in yourself and your idea. “True motivation comes from within. I knew I could help people. I knew my business could do some good in the world, and my approach would work if given the chance,” she adds.

Bonus PINK Link: Inspired to start your own company? Here’s how to create a business plan.

Minute Mentor: Rilla Delorier, CMO, SunTrust Bank, shares her Secret for Success.

Have you been discouraged to start your dream business?

By Kat Cowley

“The most effective way to do it, is to do it.”
Amelia Earhart

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