Now Hear This!

For every customer who complains, 26 refuse your business, according to Business Insider.

Plus, 86 percent will avoid a company after a poor customer service experience.

Satisfied patrons spread the word, while one bad review online can dent your profits.

How can you be sure you’re listening to customers – and acting accordingly?

It’s all about identifying customer needs, says business owner and New York Times bestselling author Kimberla Lawson Roby.

She recommends listening to learn what customers love and what you can

eliminate, building a strong relationship and anticipating their future needs.

“When I wrote the first story centered on my character Reverend Curtis Black, it wasn’t until I heard from readers nationwide that I decided to turn the storyline into a series,” she explains.

“I quickly learned that giving my readers what they were asking for was key to [achieving] success.”

How to keep up with customer buzz?

Successful owners advise staying on top of your company’s social media and following up with people posting negative comments. Consider offering a refund or discount and ask if the customer will possibly write a follow-up.

Experts suggest inviting feedback through a customer survey. Asking detailed questions, keeping it short and offering space for people to pen their thoughts vs. just checking a box will help.

Bonus PINK Link: For more tips on tapping into customers, check out our online exclusive.

Minute Mentor: Writer Jessica Gottlieb tells how she successfully grew her online community.

How do you keep up with customers? and let us know!

By Christy Rogers

“Revolve your world around the customer and more customers will revolve around you.”
Heather Williams

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