Picking the Perfect Partner

All entrepreneurs face challenges. But having a partner to share your passion and the responsibility can make running your business much easier.

The trick is finding the right fit.

Having a co-founder or partner when starting out can keep you from “thinking you have to do everything yourself,” says Dr. Teresa Nelson, director of the entrepreneurship program at Simmons College School of Management.

She suggests finding a business partner with similar goals so issues “aren’t swept under the rug.”

Since business partners sometimes spend more time with each other than their

spouses, Inc.com suggests going on a few “dates” to see if personalities are compatible and taking on a challenge to see how you solve problems together.

Experts advise finding someone with a complementary skill set who is more skilled at things you would consider your weaknesses and vice versa.

IBM offers a Business Partner Locator to match you with a person who has the skills and expertise you need.

Plus, clearly outlining roles and expectations and getting the agreement in writing will ensure you’re both on the same page.

Bonus PINK Link: Now that you’ve got a great partner, find out how to improve employee performance in our online exclusive.

By Caroline Cox

“Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking.” Anita Roddick

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