Stuck in the Pink Ghetto

Is your career on the wrong side of the tracks? The answer is a resounding ‘yes’ for most women.

A disproportionate number work in ‘pink ghettos’, a McKinsey report reveals.

What’s a pink ghetto?

Between 50 and 65 percent of women at VP level or higher are in staff jobs. Compare this with only 41 to 48 percent of men. These jobs rarely lead to the C-Suite, even if you’re qualified!

The so-called ghettos perpetuate the modern woman’s glass ceiling. Pay is low, the stress is high and the outlook for advancement is shaky.

Experts say there are three ways to get out of this rut.

Firstly, separate work from home. “Women often see work as just another extension of their home life,” says career and life coach Anna Papalia.

Men are perceived as more successful in [executive] positions because they appear to separate their office life from home.

“This is something more women must learn to do,” she adds.  Often, companies prefer to relegate women to staff jobs, believing they can’t handle high-pressure.

Others say follow the 70-20-10 rule.

It states 70 percent of a manager’s development should come from learning on-the-job through ‘stretch’ projects, 20 percent from mentoring and 10 percent from classroom learning.

Negotiating a place on plum projects – ones that increase business revenue for your firm – ensure you’re on your manager’s mind for vertical promotions.

Lastly, not enough women seek senior-level executives to vouch for them. Look for a sponsor, a leader in your firm who can speak about your achievements. Some sponsors can even recommend you for a promotion if you demonstrate why you deserve it.

Bonus PINK Link: Find your voice: Confident Women

Minute Mentor: Susan Hitchcock of Turknett Leadership Group, talks about not getting stuck in an old role at a new job.

Have you encountered the

By Christina Caldwell

“You have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”
Harriet Tubman

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