Your Vacation Checklist

Looking forward to an upcoming vacation is great. But trying to tie up loose ends and cover tasks at the office, before you leave, can be stressful.

More than 65 percent of women work during vacations, new data suggests.

A pre-vacation checklist can help create more time to enjoy the getaway without worrying about business back home.The first step is to give the boss plenty of notice, say advisors.

Putting the request in writing, waiting for the right time (not during another employee’s vacation or maternity leave) and being flexible with a back-up plan, helps.

Ensure your job is covered by creating a project list, including an inventory of recently completed projects, current work and upcoming assignments. Plus, make sure a colleague is prepared to handle these tasks.

Finished projects may still require follow up or clarification, so make sure at least one colleague is up to speed. You can also send a mass email about where important files are stored and looming deadlines.

Turning on an automatic “out of office” email response should reduce the pressure to constantly refresh your inbox.

The most successful replies say when you return, and direct clients to someone who can answer their questions in the meantime.

In case of an emergency, leave contact info with a coworker you trust.

Bonus PINK Link: Before you check in, check out our online exclusive on must-haves for road warriors.

What’s featured on your vacation checklist?

By Chateaux-Capri Sirmans

“To awaken alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.” Freya Stark

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