Tips on Tights

In this economy, it’s hard for even the most successful woman’s fashion budget to accommodate all the new trends. But there’s one cool weather trend that’s appropriate for any office or occasion, no matter what your wallet size.

Dig deep into your hosiery drawer and pull out those trusty opaque tights that kept you warm last year and you’ve got a leg up on one of the cool seasons’ hottest trends.

Here’s how you can stay warm and stylish for a small price:

If you’ve got slender legs, depending on your work environment, you can sport both dark opaque tights as well as the bold fruity colors that have been seen on Hollywood starlets like Liv Tyler. Tights that are darker in color make legs appear slimmer. Gray, hunter green and the classic black are big this season.

Try pairing that summer floral dress with a solid blazer, tights and your favorite heels. Or add a little edge with a solid dress and a patterned tight.

Forgot to shave your legs, get a pedicure or unsure if that hemline of yours is gonna fly? Use tights to layer your outfit, hide prickly legs and give the illusion of a longer dress or skirt.

Bonus PINK Link: Now that you’ve got the tights trend down, find out if you dress for success.

By Artesia Peluso

“Rejecting things because they are old-fashioned would rule out the sun and the moon — and every fashion trend under the sun.” Unknown

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