Unemployed to Overjoyed

Twenty-four percent of employers plan to hire full-time, permanent employees in 2011, up from 20 percent in 2010. But the job market is still fiercely competitive.

A firm handshake and your nicest suit may not get you as far as it used to – or keep your resume out of the trash bin. What are the newest strategies to hear, “You’re hired?”

“It’s all about volume in search,” says Mary Anne Walsh, executive coach with the Five O’Clock Club. “For a good search, you need to identify 200 positions.”

In addition to casting a wide net, Walsh suggests identifying what you’re doing incorrectly, like taking rejection too personally or not being self-promoting enough in interviews.

To gain leverage outside of interviews and increase prospects, “network, network, network,” says Walsh. And not just when you need a job.

“Be in a position to be talking to the right people at the right time who know of you and can hire you before the position is advertised,” she suggests. “Think of job searching as a full-time job [itself] requiring 35 hours of work per week.”

Want more?

Experts say market yourself: not just in interviews, but on your resume and in social media as well.

The good news? Gaining employment should be easier this year than last.

Bonus PINK Link: Instead of looking for a job, maybe you’re the one hiring. Here’s how to avoid a hiring disaster.

Minute Mentor: Kathy Adams, co-founder of Accord Services, shares the importance of maintaining a positive attitude as a business owner. 

By Brittany Hampton

“None of the secrets of success will work unless you do.” Unknown

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